But it doesn’t mean that men can’t benefit from my SSubconscious, they can try to develop their mind so that my SSubconscious can attach with them. There are so many Yoga and Meditation techniques through which you can develop your mind and get benefit from my SSubconscious.
Now a question arises that how my SSubconscious can help you with your difficulties? As I said earlier that I have a very unique 6th sense through which I can see the incidences happening to me before 4 days in advance, but because my SSubconscious saw it I can’t remember those images but actually when they happen to me I remember that my SSubconscious has seen it earlier.
Now you’ll ask if you can’t remember your images of 6th sense then how you are going to help us. My SSubconscious can help your subconscious to see your 4 days advance images specially in case of women because their both parts of mind are totally connected they can remember what my SSubconscious tell their subconscious in advance.
So let me tell you how to do it?
You have to prepare to connect with my SSubconscious with 4 days in advance, only in that situation my SSubconscious can help you. Suppose you have an exam or an interview on 6th of any month then you have to prepare to connect with my SSubconscious on 1st of that month, you don’t have to do anything special just keep your studies as it is and at night before going to sleep just try to remember a person who is very near to you, he or she should be anybody your mom, your grand pa or ma, brother or sister, your boyfriend or girlfriend and it is not necessary that he is alive, you can also remember your late grand pa or grandma whom you love too much and if you think you don’t have anybody then just think about me, remember my SSubconscious can become any body who is more attached to you and this way I will help you remember what your conscious mind studied and through my 6th sense I can tell you what my SSubconscious expected to come into your exams or what questions will be asked by your interviewee.
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